Welcome to Interfuture Security
Bringing peace of mind
Our Story
Interfuture Security is a new, highly specialised, service provider focusing exclusively on the protection of business IT systems and data, around the clock.

Computerised systems have become more and more integral to business operations over the years and it has become clear that no company can afford to be without an efficient IT system and the associated IT support that keeps it running effectively.
Unfortunately, support alone is no longer enough and with the rapidly evolving threat landscape, businesses need comprehensive protection against cyber threats. Closer to home but equally destructive – employees can unintentionally (or intentionally) compromise a business’ IT security in various ways and this can result in data breaches, unauthorized access, and other security incidents.
Interfuture Security has been developed in response to this growing need and demand for specialist protection, offering a holistic approach to strengthen your security and safeguarding your digital assets.
Our Security Operations Centre employs a dedicated team of highly trained expert analysts, utilizing cutting-edge technologies and industry best practices to swiftly detect and respond to security events, thus reducing the potential for reputational, operational and financial damage to a business.
We provide a fortress of digital security, bringing peace of mind to our clients.

Meet the Directors
David Williams
(Director of Operations)
Paul Collins
(Director of Cyber Security)
Emma Smart
(Finance Director)
David Williams
Director of Operations

My interest in everything IT began when I was very young. Personal computers were only just becoming a “thing” in the 80’s but I couldn’t wait to get my own BBC Micro and start basic coding. I was thrilled when I managed to code my first imagery! Everything was still very basic – back then it was all floppy disks, the ping pong game and space invaders. Anyway, there was no question that I would progress to study computer science at school which led to college and then on to university and a Honours degree in Business Information Technology.
And so began a career in IT, very quickly though, it became clear to me that not everyone shared my enthusiasm and that many people didn’t have the time or inclination to spend hours “playing” around with computer technology. In fact, in the early 1990’s many businesses were only just starting to fully realise the advantages of IT - even large organisations often had just the one token departmental computer, and that was used for nothing more than basic customer databases. Electronic mail (email) and the internet was only just starting to emerge. Letters were still dictated, or handwritten, and sent off to a typing pool in those days! It’s hard to believe now.
By the mid 90’s I knew that there was a desperate and ever-growing need for smaller and medium sized businesses to have access to the sort of help and expertise that they couldn’t afford to have in-house. I was working for an IT support company at that time but found it frustrating, as I could see so many ways in which it could be done better and so, the idea for Interfuture was born.
Since then, we have gone from strength to strength, expanding as we went. We had to move to larger premises and are now located in a fantastic Sussex barn conversion and surrounding buildings, located on the outskirts of the charming Balcombe, and surrounded by beautiful countryside. My commute to the office could not be more scenic.
More recently, there has been another exciting development: Interfuture Security. We had come to realise that the protection of business IT systems and data has become so central, so critical and so technical, that it is a specialism in its own right – one that very few other IT companies are addressing adequately and so, in 2023, Interfuture Security was born.
Paul Collins
Director of Cyber Security

My interest in computers, as it was known then, began from an early age - from the very start I was drawn to IT and was eager to know more. It wasn’t offered as a subject at my school, as it was still relatively new in the education sector, so my initial knowledge and understanding came from my own pursuits outside of school.
These were exciting times and information technology was moving on at a rapid pace. My first computer was an Amstrad CPC 464 but I was always upgrading to keep up with the latest technology and so, had many of the first computers that came to market.
I always knew that I would study IT at college and then move on to an IT-based career. My first job was with Tesco, as a Help Desk Analyst. I’ve always enjoyed problem solving – to me it’s a puzzle to be solved, a personal challenge, I can’t rest until I’ve cracked the code and fixed it.
After Tesco, I expanded my knowledge and experience with other IT roles in other companies, until I joined Interfuture Systems, in 2011, as the Technical Director. The Company has expanded considerably since I joined and we now have a fantastic team of engineers, and clients from almost every type of industry.
The business continues to grow and in 2023 Interfuture Security was created to meet the growing demand for specialist protection of business IT systems and data. As Director of Cyber Security, I head up a team of highly trained expert analysts who think of themselves as Cyber-Warriors, but it takes more than just exceptional analytical and problem-solving skills for this role. To do their job well, our analysts must have good communication and interpersonal skills, as well as be able to organise and manage their time effectively - not always easy to find in one person! As a service provider, we know that we are only as good as the staff we employ and I’m proud to say that we’ve got a really good team here.
Emma Smart
Finance Director

I’m one of those modern Mum’s juggling children and work – I’m busy but I enjoy what I do and now that the children are teenagers and a bit more independent, things are getting a little less hectic.
My role at Interfuture is to oversee everything non-technical such as the finance department, office management, HR, health and safety - so an interesting and varied role. The business is always buzzing with some new idea or potential project and we are always looking to develop and improve.
As a successful modern company Interfuture recognise the importance of supporting those less fortunate than ourselves and the community in which we operate.
As a successful modern company Interfuture recognises the importance of supporting those less fortunate than ourselves and the community in which we operate.
We are immensely proud of our involvement with, and sponsorship of, a variety of carefully chosen charities, and will continue to support those charities that are close to the hearts of our team members:

Help for Heroes was founded by Bryn and Emma Parry in October 2007 out of a desire to help the wounded Servicemen and women returning from Afghanistan and Iraq. The message of the charity is simple: Help for Heroes are strictly non political and non critical; we simply want to help. Help for Heroes believe that anyone who volunteers to serve in time of war, knowing that they may risk all, is a hero. These are ordinary people doing extraordinary things and some of them are living with the consequences of their service for life.
Interfuture has supported Help for Heroes for many years and is pleased to be associated with such an amazing charity.

Circus Starr brings all the fun of the circus to children and families that may have found this difficult in the past. We know that a circus is a family event that brings everyone closer, encourages creativity and allows people to become stronger and more able to face life’s challenges head on. We tour the UK bringing the very best in circus talent from around the world and stage 148 incredible, animal-free shows every year.
Interfuture has supported Circus Starr since 2020 …. because we believe that every child deserves a little magic!